May 10, 2021
Mike and I constantly talk about the importance of a healthy organizational culture with our clients. We continue to witness the fruits of companies that integrate organizational values, moving them from Groundhogs Day of low productivity, inefficiency, and turnover to the welcomed adventure that comes with stability, effectiveness, and a thriving company.
One of our clients, a local engineering firm, has been searching for an experienced engineer. The market is very competitive. After a long search to find the perfect candidate, they learned the prospective employee was talking with another firm with an offer of an additional $15K.
Our client sent us a celebratory note last night that the candidate chose his firm, accepting less money for the benefit of a strong collaborative culture built on the values of Quality, Confidence, and Integrity. The company lives and breathes these values, and their customers know them as well.
As a consultant and executive coach, it’s always a joy to get a note from a client like this… “Thank you both. I would still be wandering around aimlessly, moving from fire to fire without you two helping define a path.”
We are so grateful to work with our clients, they are changing the world of work for their staff!
Aleah Horstman, PhD