It’s been a busy start of the year at The Executive Guide! Several of our CEO Focus members are starting their journey to become a more purposeful organization by doing a Team Assessment. This online questionnaire allows teams to see how they are doing around The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results.
The Team Assessment report is a tool for leadership teams to “name” the things they struggle with as a group. Teams often know that there is tension, but they don’t always know why it’s happening and how to address challenging dynamics. Mike and I facilitate that first discussion with leadership teams as they read the results of their Assessment. It’s powerful to watch them one by one get clarity on what they do well as a team, and where they get stuck. This process allows team members to name unhealthy behaviors. It also gives them insight into how their own actions, even if well intentioned, can be damaging to the team and the organization.
To quote the author of this Team Assessment, Patrick Lencioni, “In this day and age of informational overload and constant change, teamwork remains the one sustainable competitive advantage that has been largely untapped.”
As a CEO it isn’t always easy to ask an outsider to come in and assess your leadership team. It takes courage. It’s the first step to being intentional in building that competitive advantage – a cohesive team that is ultimately responsible for the success of the company.
If you would like to learn more about the Team Assessment process, please contact us at or
Aleah Horstman, Principal Consultant - The Executive Guide